After extended debate, the U.S. Senate set-aside the House-passed Continuing Resolution (CR) and negotiated and passed a CR funding government and programs, including EB-5, until March 23, coupled with a sweeping 2-year budget agreement for FY 18 and FY 19.  The extended debate exceeded the previous CR time extension of midnight Feb. 8, which resulted in a lapse of Appropriations or government shut-down.
Continue Reading Continuing Resolution and Budget Agreement Funds Government and Vital Programs, like EB-5, until March 23rd

Tonight, House Appropriations Chairman, Rodney Frelinghuysen (R-NJ), filed a fifth short-term Continuing Resolution (CR) extending government funding and important programs, such as EB-5,  from Feb. 8 until March 23. 
Continue Reading House Introduces 5th Short-Term Continuing Resolution to Funding Government and Extend EB-5

On Monday evening, President Trump signed the Continuing Resolution (CR) into law ending the three-day, 69-hour government shutdown.

In addition to funding the government and other policy-related matters, the CR
Continue Reading President Trump Signs Continuing Resolution into Law

Late Friday (Jan. 19)  the U.S. Senate failed to pass the House of Representatives approved Continuing Resolution (or CR).  As of January 20th the federal government is in a shutdown. 
Continue Reading U.S. Senate fails to Pass Continuing Resolution and Government Shutdown begins. EB-5 for Regional Center programs is Suspended ‎

A Continuing Resolution (CR) has been filed as of last Saturday, Dec. 3, 2017, to serve as a vehicle to extend government operations through Dec. 22, 2017, thus preventing a
Continue Reading Short Term Continuing Resolution Expected – Update on CR to Keep the Government Open and Extend EB-5 Beyond Dec. 8, 2017