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昨天美国国会通过了联邦政府预算临时拨款议案,其中包括对EB-5区域中心计划短期延续至2015年12月11日。我们在9月14日曾写过对EB-5区域中心项目重新授权的前景预测。点击查看文章详情 今天国会通过的持续决议(continuing resolution)包含EB-5项目, 也同时包含E-Verify, the Conrad-30 Waiver项目,和非神职宗教工作者 (Non-Minister Religious Worker) 签证项目。这项持续决议将会暂时延续上述四项项目至2015年12月11日。议案113章规定了拨款时限,113章明确写出延续EB-5项目。

近几个月来,许多人都为EB-5区域中心去留问题颇感担忧。因为国会准备对EB-5进行改革,所以9月30日成为了一个通过区域中心投资移民申请者递交文件的硬性截止日期。因为复杂的立法过程可变因素很多,I-526投资者申请和范例申请(exemplar petition)一样,加速赶在9月30日“过期”前递交材料,也是合理的考虑。


现在国会已经明确暂时延续EB-5项目至12月初,我们仅希望实质性改革和合理的过渡日期尽快相继出台。这样能使投资者、区域中心和通过投资创造就业岗位的项目能够在可预料 、稳定的情况下顺利进行。


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Photo of Laura Foote Reiff ‡ Laura Foote Reiff ‡

Laura Foote Reiff has more than 35 years of experience representing businesses and organizations in the business immigration and compliance field. She is also a business immigration advocate and has long chaired prominent business immigration coalitions. Laura is Co-Founder of GT’s Business and

Laura Foote Reiff has more than 35 years of experience representing businesses and organizations in the business immigration and compliance field. She is also a business immigration advocate and has long chaired prominent business immigration coalitions. Laura is Co-Founder of GT’s Business and Immigration and Compliance Group which she co-led since 1999. She currently Co-Chairs the firm’s Labor & Employment Practice’s International Employment, Immigration & Workforce Strategies group and chairs the Northern Virginia/Washington D.C. Immigration and Compliance Practice. Laura is also Co-Managing Shareholder of the Northern Virginia Office of GT, a position she has held since 2010. As a global leader in the business immigration community, Laura has served on the Boards of the American Immigration Lawyers Association, the American Immigration Council, the America is Better Board. She is currently on the Board of the National Immigration Forum and chairs the US Chamber of Commerce Immigration Subcommittee.

Laura advises corporations on a variety of compliance-related issues, particularly related to Form I-9 eligibility employment verification matters. Laura has been involved in audits and internal investigations and has successfully minimized monetary exposure as well as civil and criminal liabilities on behalf of her clients. She develops immigration compliance strategies and programs for both small and large companies. Laura performs I-9, H-1B and H-2B compliance inspections during routine internal reviews, while performing due diligence (in the context of a merger, acquisition or sale) or while defending a company against a government investigation. She works closely with Exchange Visitor Programs on Designation, Change in Control and Compliance.

Laura’s practice also consists of managing business immigration matters and providing immigration counsel to address the visa and work authorization needs of U.S. and global personnel including professionals, managers and executives, treaty investors/ traders, essential workers, persons of extraordinary ability, corporate trainees, and students. She is an immigration policy advocacy expert and works on immigration reform policies.

Laura represents many businesses in creating, managing and using “Regional Centers” that can create indirect jobs toward the 10 new U.S. jobs whose creation can give rise to EB-5 permanent residence for investment. She coordinates this work with attorneys practicing in securities law compliance, with economists identifying “targeted employment areas” and projecting indirect job creation, and with licensed securities brokers coordinating offerings. She also represents individual investors in obtaining conditional permanent residence and in removing conditions from permanent residence.

 Admitted in the District of Columbia and Maryland. Not admitted in Virginia. Practice limited to federal immigration practice.