目前,国会参议、众议两院的民主党、共和党成员正就EB-5区域中心重新授权项目进行商议,但在本文发表时,两党还未达成一致意见。参众两院必须在今年9月30日之前就确切文字达成共识,更全面的区域中心重新授权项目改革才能获得通过。但是,基于目前两院仅有不到10天的时间来解决此议案,改革面临挑战。最可能发生的情况就是区域中心重新授权项目会和其它三项移民相关议案一起获得暂时性延长。此暂时性延长将会作为持续决议(Continuing Resolution )的一部分获得较短的延长期。持续决议是在2015年9月30日政府财政年度结束前维持政府重要组成部分运作的临时性决案,国会通常使用持续决议直到正式拨款议案下发为止。现在看来,持续决议甚至是否能及时通过以来阻止政府关闭都是一个待解决的问题。总体来说,2015年9月30日仍为EB-5项目的重要截止日期。
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EB-5 Reauthorization
Where is the EB-5 Regional Center Reauthorization Program Headed as September 30, 2015 Approaches
Democratic and Republican Negotiators in the House and Senate are working through the EB-5 Regional Center Program’s reauthorization and have not reached consensus as of this writing. The House and…
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30 Days Until the Expiration of the EB-5 Regional Center Program!
Earlier in August we were thrilled to learn that the Senate passed a three year reauthorization measure of the EB-5 visa program. Today marks 30 days until the Regional Center …
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Senate Approves Measure Allowing for a Three Year Reauthorization of the EB-5 Regional Center Pilot Program
The EB-5 community received welcome news from Capitol Hill Today. Through a unanimous vote the Senate passed S. 3245 which provides for a three year extension of the EB-5 Regional…
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The Fate of the EB-5 Regional Center Pilot Program – Will it be Extended?
For many interested EB-5 Regional Center participants and those already vested in Regional Center programs, all eyes are turned to Congress to see if the September 30, 2012 expiration date…
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How Would a Sunset of the EB-5 Regional Center Pilot Program Impact Pending Petitions?
While I am fairly confident that the EB-5 Regional Center Pilot Program will be extended because of the broad support it has garnered on both sides of the aisle in…
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