In the midst of the digital age, where law firms are increasingly discovering the importance of blogging in their thought leadership and branding efforts, LexBlog issued The Definitive Report on Blogging in the Am Law 200. Greenberg Traurig publishes 16 blogs, the majority of which cover legal developments important to firm clients.
The 2015 LexBlog Am Law 200 Blog Benchmark Report ranked Greenberg Traurig’s Inside Business Immigration ( as the most visited immigration practice blog and the firm’s EB-5 Insights blog ( was ranked No. 3. overall. Additionally, Greenberg Traurig’s Inside Business Immigration ranked No. 22 among the 962 unique blogs studied. Editors Ian Macdonald, Inside Business Immigration, and Kate Kalmykov, EB-5 Insights, are key factors in driving traffic to the blog sites and continue to bring valuable insights on immigration matters to the subscribers.
The LexBlog research team studied each Am Law 200 firm’s individual web presence and the 962 unique blogs. The blogs were catalogued into topic categories and carefully cross-referenced with their traffic rankings on According to the report, LexBlog is the leader in helping lawyers and law firms build a powerful online presence through blogging and social media.
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